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/*===================================================================*/ /* C program for distribution from the Combinatorial Object Server. */ /* Generate permutations by transposing adjacent elements */ /* via the Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter algorithm. This is */ /* the same version used in the book "Combinatorial Generation." */ /* Both the permutation (in one-line notation) and the positions */ /* being transposed (as a 2-cycle) are output. */ /* The program can be modified, translated to other languages, etc., */ /* so long as proper acknowledgement is given (author and source). */ /* Programmer: Frank Ruskey, 1995. */ /* The latest version of this program may be found at the site */ /* http://sue.uvic.ca/~cos/inf/perm/PermInfo.html */ /*===================================================================*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int NN, i, count=0; int p[100], pi[100]; /* The permutation and its inverse */ int dir[100]; /* The directions of each element */ void PrintPerm() { int i; /* uncomment if you want to print the index of each perm */ /* count = count + 1; printf( "[%8d] ", count ); */ for (i=1; i <= NN; ++i) printf( "%d", p[i] ); } /* PrintPerm */; void PrintTrans( int x, int y ) { printf( " (%d %d)", x, y ); printf( "\n" ); } /* PrintTrans */; void Move( int x, int d ) { int z; PrintTrans( pi[x], pi[x]+d ); z = p[pi[x]+d]; p[pi[x]] = z; p[pi[x]+d] = x; pi[z] = pi[x]; pi[x] = pi[x]+d; } /* Move */; void Perm ( int n ) { int i; if (n > NN) PrintPerm(); else { Perm( n+1 ); for (i=1; i<=n-1; ++i) { Move( n, dir[n] ); Perm( n+1 ); } dir[n] = -dir[n]; } // else } /* of Perm */; void main () { printf( "Enter n: " ); scanf( "%d", &NN ); printf( "\n" ); for (i=1; i<=NN; ++i) { dir[i] = -1; p[i] = i; pi[i] = i; } Perm ( 1 ); printf( "\n" ); getch(); } // main()
The above algorithm was found at: http://www.theory.csc.uvic.ca/~cos/inf/perm/PermInfo.html
Email all questions and concerns to cos@theory.csc.uvic.ca
Copyright held by Frank Ruskey